Proceedings Docket

WM 09-01

In re Concetta J. Blaine
Ecology Penalty No. DE 6398-09WRNR
Filed April 8, 2009
May 1, 2009-Prehearing Conference (telephonic)
May 6, 2009-Prehearing Conference order issued (setting July 1, 2009, for Dep’t of Ecology to file motion for summary judgment; July 31, 2009, for Ms. Blaine to respond; and Aug. 20, 2009, for any reply)
Dec. 8, 2009-Dep’t of Ecology’s Notice of Withdrawal of Appeal [Upon Settlement]

WM 09-02

In re Thomas Ficca
Ecology Penalty No. DE 6400-09WRNR
Filed April 8, 2009; dismissed May 6, 2009, at request of Dep’t of Ecology

WM 09-03

In re John Rusin
Ecology Penalties Nos. DE 6462-09WRNR & DE 6463-WRNR
Filed May 12, 2009
June 4, 2009-Prehearing Conference (telephonic)
June 9, 2009-Prehearing Conference Order issued (setting July 20, 2009, for Dep’t of Ecology to file motion for summary judgment; Aug. 20, 2009, for Mr. Rusin to respond; and Sept. 8, 2009, for any reply).
Nov. 21, 2009-Water Master’s Order Granting Dep’t of Ecology’s Motion for Summary Judgment
July 2, 2010-Water Master’s Report filed with Court and served on parties to WM 09-03
July 27, 2010-Judgment entered (Zilly, J., Docket No. 1358)
June 30, 2011-Satisfaction of Judgment Filed (Docket No. 1385)

WM 09-04

In re Julie Littleton & Monte R. Littleton (Alleged Failure to Pay Eligible Landowner Fee for 2008-09)
Filed June 18, 2009
Proceeding dismissed Aug. 12, 2009 (evidence of payment provided)

WM 09-05

In re Steve H. Hovander (Alleged Failure to Pay Eligible Landowner Fee for 2008-09)
Filed June 18, 2009
Answer due July 20, 2009; default entered; partial settlement reached with successor in interest on Feb. 16, 2010; closed by order of 3/17/10
PROCEEDING CLOSED (subject to reopening)

WM 09-06

In re John Rusin dba Hutzpah Holdings, LLC (Alleged Failure to Pay Eligible Landowner Fee for 2008-09)
Filed June 18, 2009
Answer due July 20, 2009; default entered; final Water Master Order issued Jan. 30, 2010
July 2, 2010-Water Master’s Report filed with Court and served on parties to WM 09-06
July 27, 2010-Judgment entered (Zilly, J., Docket No. 1358)
June 30, 2011-Satisfaction of Judgment Filed (Docket No. 1385)

WM 09-07

In re Concetta J. Blaine (Alleged Failure to Pay Eligible Landowner Fee for 2008-09)
Filed June 18, 2009
Answer due Sept. 14, 2009
Dec 15, 2009-Order Closing Proceeding [Upon Settlement]

WM 10-01

In re John Rusin dba Hutzpah Holdings, LLC (Alleged Failure to Pay Eligible Landowner Fee for 2009-10)
Filed June 28, 2010
Answer due Aug. 2, 2010; none filed; Respondent in default
Sept. 17, 2010 – Final Order re Payment entered
Mar. 16, 2011 – Water Master Report to Judge filed
May 24, 2011 – Judgment entered (Zilly, J., Docket No. 1380)
June 30, 2011-Satisfaction of Judgment Filed (Docket No. 1385)

WM 10-02

In re Christiana M. Ysaguirre-Boersma (Alleged Failure to Pay Eligible Landowner Fee for 2009-10)
Filed June 28, 2010
Answer due Aug. 2, 2010; none filed; Respondent in default
Sept. 17, 2010 – Final Order re Payment entered
Mar. 16, 2011 – Water Master Report to Judge filed
May 24, 2011 – Judgment entered (Zilly, J., Docket No. 1379)

WM 10-03

In re James M. Sofie (Alleged Failure to Pay Eligible Landowner Fee for 2009-10)
Filed June 28, 2010
Answer due Aug. 2, 2010; none filed; Respondent in default
Sept. 17, 2010 – Final Order re Payment entered
June 15, 2011 – Payment agreement satisfied

WM 11-01

In re Christiana M. Ysaguirre-Boersma
Dep’t of Ecology Appeal of Ecology Penalty No. DE 8068
Filed Jan. 26, 2011
Answer due March 28, 2011; none filed; Respondent in default
May 11, 2011 – Department of Ecology Motion for Summary Judgment filed
Aug. 11, 2011 – Ordering Granting Summary Judgment; Permanent Injunction issued
Jan. 31, 2012 – Master’s Report submitted to Court
Mar. 14, 2012 – Judgment entered (Zilly, J.; Docket No. 1400)

WM 11-02

In re Thomas Ficca
Dep’t of Ecology Appeal of Ecology Penalty No. DE 8067
Filed Mar. 11, 2011
Dismissed Mar. 31, 2011 on motion of Department of Ecology

WM 11-03

In re Updating Service List
Filed June 30, 2011
June 29, 2012 – Master’s Report submitted to Court
See Federal Water Master’s Notice (served June 30, 2011)
See Federal Water Master’s Report (filed & served June 29, 2012)
Aug. 3, 2012 – Court’s Final Order Adopting Master’s Report (Docket No. 1415)

WM 11-04

In re Ysaguirre-Boersma (Alleged Failure to Pay Eligible Landowner Fee for 2010-11)
Filed Aug. 18, 2011
Answer due Sept. 19, 2011; none filed; respondent in default
Oct. 31, 2011 – Final Order issued
Jan. 31, 2012 – Master’s Report submitted to Court
Mar. 14, 2012 – Judgment entered (Zilly, J.; Docket No. 1401)

WM 11-05

In re Thomas R. Ficca (Alleged Failure to Pay Eligible Landowner Fee for 2010-11)
Filed Aug. 18, 2011
Answer due Sept. 19, 2011; none filed; respondent in default
Oct. 31, 2011 – Final Order issued
Jan. 31, 2012 – Master’s Report submitted to Court
Mar. 14, 2012 – Judgment entered (Zilly, J.; Docket No. 1402)

WM 11-06

In re Brett L. Randmel (Alleged Failure to Pay Eligible Landowner Fee for 2010-11)
Filed Aug. 18, 2011
Answer due Sept. 19, 2011; none filed; respondent in default
Oct. 31, 2011 – Final Order issued
Jan. 31, 2012 – Master’s Report submitted to Court
Mar. 14, 2012 – Judgment entered (Zilly, J.; Docket No. 1403)

WM 12-01

In re Brett Randmel (Alleged Failure to Submit Wells Reports & Chloride Analysis)
Filed Sept. 11, 2012
Answer due Oct. 5, 2012
Respondent in default
Feb. 15, 2013–Order Granting Summary Judgment to Dep’t of Ecology
April 30, 2013–Federal Water Master’s Report filed with Court
June 13, 2013–Judgment entered (Zilly, J.)

WM 13-01

In re Thomas R. Ficca (Alleged Failure to Pay Eligible Landowner Fee for 2011-12 & 2012-13)
Filed May 1, 2013
Answer due May 31, 2013
Supplemental Judgment entered July 9, 2014

WM 13-02

In re Brett L. Randmel (Alleged Failure to Pay Eligible Landowner Fee for 2011-12 & 2012-13)
Filed May 1, 2013
Answer due May 31, 2013
Respondent in default
June 26, 2013–Final Order issued
Oct. 31, 2013–Federal Water Master’s Report filed with Court
Jan. 7, 2014–Supplemental Judgment Entered (Doc. #1459)(Zilly, J.)

WM 13-03

In re Greg Mahle & Krista Mahle (Alleged Failure to Pay Eligible Landowner Fee for 2012-13)
Filed May 1, 2013
Answer due May 31, 2013
Supplemental Judgment entered July 9, 2014

WM 13-04

In re D. Robert Hoover (Alleged Failure to Pay Eligible Landowner Fee for 2012-13)
Filed May 1, 2013
Answer due May 31, 2013
June 5, 2013–Matter resolved & proceeding dismissed

WM 13-05

In re Greg Mahle & Krista Mahle (Alleged Failure to Submit Well Reports)
Filed June 11, 2013
Answer due July 5, 2013
Supplemental Judgment entered July 9, 2014

WM 13-06

In re Brett Randmel (Alleged Failure to Submit Wells Reports & Chloride Analysis)
Filed June 11, 2013
Answer due July 5, 2013
Supplemental Judgment entered July 9, 2014

WM 14-01

In re Brett Randmel (Alleged Failure to Submit Wells Reports & Chloride Analysis)
Filed July 2, 2014
Final order issued

WM 15-01

In re Thomas R. Ficca (Alleged Failure to Pay Eligible Landowner Fees for 2013-14 & 2014-15)
Filed May 7, 2015
Final order entered Sept. 16, 2015; Ficca transferred property during 2015-16 and was deleted from service list in 2015-16 Annual Report

WM 18-01

In re D. Robert Hoover (Alleged Failure to Pay Eligible Landowner Fees for 2014-15, 2016-17 & 2017-18)
Filed June 21, 2018
July 5, 2018-Settlement reached through Attorney General; settlement satisfied;
June 24, 2019-P`roceeding dismissed

WM 18-02

In re Graham J. & Rosma Lindsey (Alleged Failure to Pay Eligible Landowner Fees for 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17 & 2017-18)
Filed June 21, 2018
Sept. 5, 2018-Arrearages satisfied
June 24, 2019-Proceeding dismissed

WM 18-03

In re Emma Pennea (Alleged Failure to Pay Eligible Landowner Fees for 2017-18)
Filed June 21, 2018

WM 20-01

In re Appeal of Jennifer Wright (Alleged Expiration of Final Well Registration)
Filed June 5, 2020
June 19, 2020-Dep’t of Ecology Response Due
June 23, 2020 (10 am PDT)-Prehearing Conference Call


Order of Judge Thomas S. Zilly re refund of Dep’t of Ecology Unused Filing Fees (Sept. 3, 2009)

Order of Judge Thomas S. Zilly re Waiver of Clerk Fees for Issuance of Abstracts of Judgment to Federal Water Master (May 27, 2014)